Family & Community Engagement Plan
Maury Family and Community Engagement Plan
Maury Middle School 2024-25 Parent and Family Engagement Plan (Click the plus sign to expand)
Engagement Plan
Maury Middle School 2024-2025
Maury Middle School will foster a welcoming, cooperative, and mutually supportive climate for all families. We seek high quality, effective communication with parents and families through the following avenues:
Parent and Family/School/Student Compacts, which outline responsibilities for each party in the process of achieving success for students
"Blackboard" phone system, to send parents, families, students, and staff messages via phone and email
Parents and Families can receive information through Facebook and Twitter
The MMS website, is found at; contains all faculty email addresses, school information and activities
Parent and Family-Teacher Conferences during fall and spring semesters
Student planners contain handbooks with school rules and procedures
Open-door policy for parent and family concerns via phone, email, or team meetings
School marquee displays important upcoming events
PTO-established a PTO membership drive to foster parent and family participation; they hold a
monthly meeting
Hornet PRIDE athletic organization for extra-curricular parent and family participation
School counselors, teacher teams, and administration keep in contact with parents and families regarding social, emotional, or academic concerns
Report cards every 9 weeks and mid-terms between each 9 week reporting periods; parents have
access to Aspen (web-based grading system used by teachers); Student academic progress is
viewable to parents and families through Aspen
Maury Middle School will establish multiple activities designed to celebrate and involve family- community-school partnership:
Open House is held within the first two weeks of school in order for students, parents and the community to meet and greet faculty. MMS establishes diverse and flexible volunteer opportunities for parents and potentially community members to serve within the school
MMS trains volunteers on discipline and FERPA along with health and safety measures
MMS hosts a Math and Literacy evening in the Spring.
Veterans are invited to MMS for refreshments and performance by the band/music students on Veteran’s Day
The school library sponsors two Book Fairs a year. Students purchase books and win books throughout the week. The Book Fair is open one evening for Family Night. Parents and families are invited to assist in the library during this time
MMS participates in a food drive each year for Christmas in Jefferson County. The canned foods that are collected from various schools are put together for families in need
At Maury Middle School, we will support the academic interests and address the academic needs of all students; we will meet the broad array of social and health needs of our we will continuously work together to support student learning both at home and school:
Administration, teachers, and counselors meet with parents and guardians to discuss student
academic, attendance, and behavioral concerns.
Teachers, parents and families use daily planners for communication between home and school
Teachers utilize communication apps to easily pass along information to families
Aspen is utilized by faculty to communicate grades, assignments, and important events
School counselors provide individual, small, and large group sessions to meet social, academic, and career needs
MMS has a full-time nurse on site to attend to student needs
EMED is available as an online medical option accessible to students and staff
Families online and at school site for mental health issues
MMS has an attendance intervention plan to increase student graduation rate and post-secondary
All students are issued personal laptops for school use
Parent and family signature: __________________________________Date: _____________________
Student signature: __________________________________________Date: _______________